Key takeaways
- The molecular hydrogen minimum therapeutic concentration is 500 PPB.
- Researchers have discovered that drinking hydrogen-rich (HRW), with concentrations between 1200-1600 PPB, has measurable health benefits.(Source: Journal of Molecular Hydrogen Research, 2023)
- SuperHydro produces hydrogen-enriched 4000 PPB-6000 PPB water using electrolysis.
- SuperHydro's Hydrogen Water Bottle allows consumers to control the amount of hydrogen in their water (6,000 PPB).
There are so many different ways to produce hydrogen-enriched water--electrolyzers, hydrogen sticks, hydrogen capsules, magnesium tablets, etc. Each process will result in different amounts of hydrogen being added to your water. This begs the question, "Does your water contain hydrogen?"
You know that your water contains more hydrogen than normal purified drinking water, whether you got it from a machine, an insert, or a chemical reaction. How much hydrogen is in your water? How is the amount of hydrogen in water calculated?
Learn about PPB or parts for every billion.
What is PPB?PPB measures the concentration of another substance of a particular substance. It tells how much hydrogen is dissolved per liter of water. As 1 liter of water is roughly 1 billion milligrams in size, 1 PPB equals 1 ug/l hydrogen.(Reference: Environmental Science & Technology, 2022)
How does PPB measure?
You can measure hydrogen PPB in water using a variety of methods. The results of each method vary depending on pH, temperature, and the purity of water.
Blue ReagentYou can perform this test at home. Add a blue reagent solution to extra-hydrogen water. Add a few drops of the blue reagent into 6 mL water to test for hydrogen. The blue reagent reacts with the hydrogen molecules in the water if there are any dissolved. Continue adding drops of blue reagent until it remains blue. You've now reached your titration limit.
The hydrogen PPB can be determined by multiplying by 0.1 the number of drops required to reach the endpoint of the titration (or by dividing by 10). As an example:
Eight drops times 0.1 = 8 mg/L H2 dissolved
Dissolved hydrogen 800 PPB
Warning the blue reagent cannot accurately measure hydrogen levels in water if it contains chloramine or copper.
It is also important to note that the accuracy of the blue dye varies depending on both the pH and temperature of the water. If your water is more alkaline or has a higher pH value, the blue reagent may detect hydrogen in excess. This will give an incorrect PPB.
When buying blue reagent from a trusted vendor, you can be assured that it has been handled properly and has not been on the shelf too long. The wrong handling of blue agents may also result in distorted results.
Digital Electronic MeterYou can use these machines at home to check the ORP (oxidation-reduction potency) of your water. The digital electronic meters measure the movement of electrons in water using an ECU (electronic computing unit). The ORP is then determined by this measurement. The digital electronic meter calculates PPB using the ORP.
These machines can be used to find out if there is extra hydrogen in your water.
Warning Digital electronic meters are able to tell you whether there is extra hydrogen in the water but they cannot give an exact or accurate PPB.
The results of the digital electronic meters are also affected by the level of alkalinity in the water. The ORP is also increased by alkaline.
As the pH of your water has a significant impact on the results you get from these tests at home, it is important to check the level both before and after adding the water to your hydrogen bottle. Some hydrogen water bottles increase the pH of water. This will boost your PPB artificially, even if you don't use alkaline water.
Both of these methods at home are great ways to demonstrate the presence of additional hydrogen in water. However, neither is as effective in determining the precise amount of hydrogen present in the water.
Gas ChromatographyGas Chromatography is a test that only chemists can perform in a laboratory. This method provides accurate readings that can be certified for water products that contain molecular hydrogen.
The GC process separates the compounds in a mix so that they can measure and detect the components. This is the extra amount of hydrogen found in water.
Does PPB Matter?
Yes! You can get a variety of health benefits depending on how much hydrogen is dissolved in the water. You need to have enough hydrogen PPB in water for positive effects.
Hydrogen gas is not soluble in water. The maximum concentration possible at normal room temperatures and atmospheric pressure is 1600 PPB. It may seem like a small amount, but studies suggest it is significant. Researchers have found that the health benefits of hydrogen-rich (HRW), with concentrations of between 500 PPB to 1600 PPB, may be achieved by combating oxidative stresses within the body.(Reference: Journal of Health and Environment, 2024)
How Much Hydrogen Gas is Therapeutically Present in Water?
It is generally agreed that the therapeutic concentration of molecular gas hydrogen in water should be 500 PPB. But studies have shown that HRW water with hydrogen levels below 500 PPB may not provide the health benefits of HRW.
Studies have shown that HRW at concentrations between 1200 and 1600 PPB has positive effects.(Source: Nutrients Journal, 2023)
How can you tell how much molecular hydrogen there is in the hydrogen water that you have? The hydrogen water's PPB depends on how the molecules are dissolved and the storage conditions. Each hydrogen water manufacturer does things differently. PPB will vary between brands and products.
SuperHydro uses advanced technologies and processes to achieve higher PPBs for hydrogen. They mark each product with the PPB so that you know what is right for you.
Why SuperHydro Hydrogen Water PPB is better than other brands?
The SuperHydro™ Bottles are certified and tested to deliver more hydrogen than is therapeutic. SuperHydro produces HRW using electrolysis. This process involves passing electricity through the water to split H2O into oxygen and hydrogen gases (H2). After the water molecule has been split, oxygen hot is released in the air, hydrogen is dissolved, and finally, the hydrogen is mixed with purified water.
Any bubbles in normal water are oxygen molecules that occur naturally due to turbulence or normal aeration. In hydrogen-enriched waters, however, any bubbles that you may see are hydrogen molecules.
This process allows SuperHydro to produce water that is 4000 PPB higher than what's recommended. It offers many health benefits, including:
- Reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress
- Improved gut health
- Increased energy
- Improved Brain Function
- Lowered athletic fatigue
- Better sleep
- And faster recovery
SuperHydro allows you to control the amount of hydrogen in your water. It's not necessary to have 6000 PPB of molecular hydrogen in your water for everyone to be happy. SuperHydro offers a variety of products and cycles so that you can select the PPB level for hydrogen in your water.
SuperHydro H2 Boost Water Bottle (340 ml)
- 2,500-3,500 A PPB cycle of 5 minutes
- 6000PPB 10 minute cycle
You can decide to generate as much water as you desire and at the same time can decide to generate as little as is necessary for the next day.
Different people may argue and say that hydrogen water will not last and its effects will wane with time. The hydrogen water has a half-life of 3-5 hours; that is, more or less half of the original molecules will disappear after 3-5 hours. Hydrogen in the body would usually be cleared after 6-8 hours so the drinking water that has been enriched with hydrogen would not be any more effective beyond this time.
The numbers are calculated assuming that you store your hydrogen water inside a tightly sealed container. The hydrogen molecules in the hydrogen water will be released more rapidly if you store it in an unlocked container.
Although the optimal therapeutic hydrogen amount in water remains debatable today, it is known that drinking 500 PPB of hydrogen per liter is enough to provide health benefits for hydrogen-water consumers. SuperHydro employs proven, reliable methods to make sure its products contain enough hydrogen PPB to enhance the brain and body functions.